A Quest for Bliss

A Quest for Bliss: November 2013

Friday, November 29, 2013

Let Things Go - Part II

train, worries, fears, passing by

This is Part II of the Let Things Go series. Here I will talk about how to choose to accept or change your current situation.

For getting over the past check out Let Things Go Part I.

Get Honest
What is bothering you? What is the cause of your pain (so to say) in your current state of living?
Are you sick of being overweight?
Are you tired of your shitty job?
Are you stuck in traffic when you are running late?

Now really accepting a situation should always be first. Whatever situation you are in, it has already happened. Your previous thoughts and actions got you into your current state.

Change or Keep Accepting
The next step is to choose if you can change it or not.
Being overweight you can change. Working for an awful boss you can change. Being stuck in traffic is a little different. You can obviously pull over and not be in it, but if you have to be somewhere there is not much you can do.

If it is something you can change why haven't you? Why would you keep suffering? Why would you keep beating yourself up over something? If there is a reason why you can't change it then you have to accept it. There is no other option.

"What You Resist Persists." 

When you resist something it makes it worse, whatever it may be. When you are resisting you are saying to the universe please I don't want this thing. That is the same as saying you want it. You are sending that energy out.
Instead simply think about what you want. Think about a clear ride to work. Think about you looking fabulous in your bathing suit. Think about your work day going good.
Usually when you start to think about what you want things start to change for the better.

"Make your is-ness your business."

I heard this from Marie Forleo and I try to remember this on a daily basis.
It means do the best with what you got! Be fully involved in what is going on. Do not regret or wish something was different, because you can't go back in time. Make the best out of your current state.

With Love,
Kristina Ann

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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Relax... Enjoy The Ride

you have enough. you do enough. you are enough. relax

You start panicking that you could be doing more, or your not working hard enough, or you feel like your career is not taking off fast enough. You want change so bad that you start poisoning your mind with worry.
Halt... Wait a Second
That attitude will not change anything, it will not make your career better. You are sending pushiness energy into the universe.
Feelings like Worry, Anxiety, Neediness, etc will only bring more of that into your life.
Stop freaking out about what might/could happen or how you are going to make something happen. Know that the universe has your back, and that what you want will come to you.

you are exactly where you are supposed to be.
Via Pinterest

When you relax, and enjoy the ride to fame (so to say). You are letting the universe help you get what you want. You are letting great ideas flow through you.
When you start stressing, you are taking the fun out of life.
Enjoy the journey!
What is the point of life, to live just for the end result. Doesn't that just sound like crazy talk.

The unhealthy cycle of stress

This stress cycle explains why chronic stress is not good. It prevents you from your true potential. It prevents you from shinning bright. It holds you back. Let it go.

I hope this has helped. Comment below and let me know what your stress relievers are and what areas of your life you have been holding yourself back by stressing out way too much.

With Love,

Kristina Ann

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Let Things Go - Part I

Worries, Doubts, Regrets Leaving

One way to be happier is to learn how and when to let things go.

There are three choices you can make in any situation.
Accept it, Change it, or Straight up leave the situation.

Today we will talk about accepting the past. Part II will be about current situations. I will help you figure out if there are any changes you can make and if not how to accept the now. Then Part III will be about how to freely leave situations when they no longer serve you.

Accepting The Past (Whatever dilemma/situation you are calling it)

Instead of obsessing over something stupid you did or said,
instead of replaying a situation trying to figure out what you could have done differently,
instead of over thinking what someone said trying to find another meaning
wouldn't it be awesome if you could let it go?

The past is over with, done, gone. What good is it dwelling on it?
Is it making you feel better? NO.

Feel It
Feel the emotion. Figure out what it is about this situation that is making you keep thinking about it. Get honest with yourself. Once you figure it out feel it for a good few minutes.

Let It Go
When it feels right, let it go. Decide to forget about it.
I know you may say, well this is easier said than done.
When it comes up again, just be aware of those thoughts.
Once you realize what you are doing. You can stop.
You may say, but what if I don't want to stop?
I have been there where I am upset with someone, and I want to stay mad at them. So I keep re-playing the incident in my head so I stay mad. It is a vicious cycle.
Just think to yourself, I would have to be a fool to want to keep feeling upset. Who would want to feel anything other than happy. And you being mad at them, is not hurting them. It is hurting you.

"Do not waste one moment in regret, for to think feelingly of the mistakes of the past is to re-infect yourself."
Neville Goddard (1905-1972)

This quote says it perfectly. When you are replaying mistakes you are creating that bad frequency again by feeling it.

With Love,

Kristina Ann

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

We All Want Love

via Pinterest

Do you have special relationships? 
Do you put some people before others?
This includes your family members, friends, and significant other.

Society is built around having special people in our lives. What if we broke out of that habit and started loving everyone the same! 
We are just all living mammals on this earth exerting energy into the universe. 
I like to say I do not have too many special relationships. At work I love everyone the same. Each relationship I have with my friends I give the same love to everyone. 
I still have some work to do in the significant other area. Lately people I date get upset if I don't make them special. 

We all want Love!

We want it in our relationships at work. 
We want it in our relationships with our family. 
We want it in with our partners. 
We even want it in acquaintances and strangers. 

Just think how the world would be if everyone loved everyone the same. If people didn't walk around thinking they were better than other people. If people lend a helping hand. 
What a magnificent world it would be. 

Today practice loving everyone. The person in the vehicle next to you, smile at them they just want what you want.
Practice not joining in on the make-fun-of-party your coworkers initiate, that person they are talking about is just like you.

The person who acts like they are better than you, know that they are the same as you, they just haven't gotten past the materialistic world to know it themselves.

With Love,

Kristina Ann


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ego's Mind Games

I wanted to write on this topic, because lately it has been playing games with me.
My ego that is.
It has been cutting me down. Saying I can't be who I want to be, that I am a failure, and that I don't have time for this. It wants me to stop. This is our fear.
Now this sounds crazy I know. But you know what I'm talking about, that nasty voice inside your head telling you YOU SUCK.

Check out Gabby Bernstein's clip on the ego eradicator meditation!

I love this meditation. It takes about 5 mins and it breaks your nonsense thinking down. Do it. I promise you will feel lighter and happier after!
It gives a tingly feeling after that awakes you, and makes you feel so connected.

I did this, and after I sat there really digging deep into what my ego was saying about me. I realized how crazy it all sounded.
In that resting time after, I told myself that I am already loved, I am already complete, and I have everything I need. I automatically started crying. It wasn't a sad cry. It was more of a relief.
And it felt GOOD.

I'm asking everyone to dig deep, and realize that your mind is not right, and that you are complete and beautiful the way you are at this very moment!
Really let it sink in. It feels good right?

With Love,

Kristina Ann

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Monday, November 4, 2013

Steps to Build Up Areas of Your Life

Do you read many blogs?
Do you watch TV shows?
Do you watch all the new movies?
Do you play video games?

You may be trying to live your life through other people or characters!
When our lives are not going as planned, and we get depressed about it, we tend to look for happiness in other's lives.
I have been there, done that.
I get home from a job I loathe and look forward to sitting in front of the TV watching a series I am excited about. I feel connected to the characters. I get excited when something good happens to them.

Has this been you?

1. Start to look at how you are trying to live your life through others. Write these areas down.

For example:
Do you love a certain show because there is an awesome romance in it?
Do you love P.S. I Made This because you want to feel more crafty?
Do you love the Travel Channel because you wish you could travel the world?
Do you love Gabby because you wish you were more spiritual yourself?

2. Write down steps you could take to make those areas better in your life.

For example:
I want to have romance in my life. You could make an online profile on a dating website and start going on dates! You could spice up your own relationship by surprising them with little things that makes them smile. What you give out you receive back!
I want to be craftier. You could choice a project once a month or once a week, get a list of what you need for it, and save up to buy those items.
I want to be more spiritual. You could set aside some time, maybe 10 mins each night or 30 mins each Sunday, for yourself. Look up meditations to do, write those down. Find an awesome spa, go treat yourself.

3. Take action.

If you truly want to change something you have to take action.
If there is a will, there is a way.

Let me know which areas of your life you have been living through different people or characters. And what steps you could take to change your life!

With Love,

Kristina Ann

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The Thankful Project - Day 4

The thankful project blogging challenge

Hi everyone. Kenzie from Chasing Happy has started a project where she will give a subject and everyone says what they are grateful for pertaining to that subject. 
Today is day four to the 28 day series.

Today's subject is An Experience

I am extremely grateful for leaving my home town and joining the military. I would say the experience of getting out on my own, away from my family and friends has changed me for the better. 

It has widened my view on the world. There is so much to explore and see! I am grateful for this experience because it has gave me even more confidence to take risks when choosing larger decisions. I am not afraid to venture on my own!

Thank you Air Force for giving my that awesome experience! 

What experience are you grateful for? It could be a delightful one or a horrible one that taught you something. Let me know in the comments. 

With Love,

Kristina Ann

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Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Thankful Project - Day 3

Hi everyone. Kenzie from Chasing Happy has started a project where she will give a subject and everyone says what they are grateful for pertaining to that subject. Today is day three to the 28 day series.

Today's subject is A PLACE

A place I am thankful for is the country side to my hometown house. I use to love driving down the back roads. There was something about the cornfields and farm houses that was relaxing. I could drive to clear my head, or figure out a situation I was in.

Whenever I think about it gives me a sense of peace and freedom. Just being able to drive in any direction until I felt like stopping. It gave me the feeling that I was in control of my life and I was free to roam where I pleased. I am thankful for this place and every other countryside that allows people to get away from the busy cities and adventure down the back roads.

Let me know a place you are thankful for. Post a link back to your page or post a comment stating a place you are thankful for and why. Link your comment also to Kenzie's page for more views.

This project helps you appreciate your life. It also helps you to realize that you have so much to be grateful for! 25 more Thankful Days before Thanksgiving.
