How to Stop Procrastinating: 7 Easy Tips

I am talking about procrastination today because I have been stuck lately. I want everything to be perfect, and keep making excuses for why I haven't posted yet this week. Here are some steps that have helped me. Hope they motivate you to take action! 

How to stop procrastinating

How to Stop Procrastination

1. Nobodies Perfect 
      The most successful people are not perfect, they just stick at it and take action. Darlings do not let the fear of being perfect hold you back.  

2. Mistakes are a Given
     Everybody makes them. It's what you do after that matters. 

3. Quit Caring What Others Think
     "What You Think of Me Is None of My Business" this is a book title by Terry Cole-Whittaker. I love this because everybody has their own opinions about you. All your doing is wasting your precious energy trying to convince or change their minds. It sounds crazy when you think about it.
      Did you know that most people are worried what others think of them. So everybody has that same fear to get over. You know that you are growing as a spiritual being when you stop caring what other's think and do what makes you happy. 

4. Trust in Yourself
     Remember those times when you were stressing out about a deadline or when you had to do a speech, then you totally nailed it! You know yourself. You know what your passionate about. You know what you know. 

5. Lean in
     Lean into the direction you want to go. Do some research. Figure out what your first step would be.

6. Go With Your Gut Feeling
     How does it feel? You can listen to your inner guide by starting to go in a certain direction.

7. Let it Flow Out of You and Run With Your Big Idea. 
Let go. Trust that once you start going the universe/God/higher-self will have your back.


What are some things that help you get going when you feel stuck, or when you are being lazy?

With Love,

Kristina Ann

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A Quest for Bliss: How to Stop Procrastinating: 7 Easy Tips

Monday, February 17, 2014

How to Stop Procrastinating: 7 Easy Tips

I am talking about procrastination today because I have been stuck lately. I want everything to be perfect, and keep making excuses for why I haven't posted yet this week. Here are some steps that have helped me. Hope they motivate you to take action! 

How to stop procrastinating

How to Stop Procrastination

1. Nobodies Perfect 
      The most successful people are not perfect, they just stick at it and take action. Darlings do not let the fear of being perfect hold you back.  

2. Mistakes are a Given
     Everybody makes them. It's what you do after that matters. 

3. Quit Caring What Others Think
     "What You Think of Me Is None of My Business" this is a book title by Terry Cole-Whittaker. I love this because everybody has their own opinions about you. All your doing is wasting your precious energy trying to convince or change their minds. It sounds crazy when you think about it.
      Did you know that most people are worried what others think of them. So everybody has that same fear to get over. You know that you are growing as a spiritual being when you stop caring what other's think and do what makes you happy. 

4. Trust in Yourself
     Remember those times when you were stressing out about a deadline or when you had to do a speech, then you totally nailed it! You know yourself. You know what your passionate about. You know what you know. 

5. Lean in
     Lean into the direction you want to go. Do some research. Figure out what your first step would be.

6. Go With Your Gut Feeling
     How does it feel? You can listen to your inner guide by starting to go in a certain direction.

7. Let it Flow Out of You and Run With Your Big Idea. 
Let go. Trust that once you start going the universe/God/higher-self will have your back.


What are some things that help you get going when you feel stuck, or when you are being lazy?

With Love,

Kristina Ann

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