You Are Beautiful - Let Your Soul Shine Through You

You are Beautiful.

Truly you are.

You are a living being with a radiant, glowing soul shinning through you.

Let it show!

Fall in love with the creature that you are.

Fall in love with your eyes, look deeply into them. What do you see?

Fall in love with your skin, no matter the color. Isn't it beautiful?

Fall in love with your hair. Isn't it strange?

Fall in love with your beating heart. Sit still, really try to feel it! Doesn't that just make you feel blissful.

Fall in love with your lungs. Take full breathes, inhale - expanding your lungs taking in as much oxygen as possible, exhale - contracting your lungs letting out as much carbon dioxide as you can.

Isn't is crazy how this simple task is what is keeping us alive.

Be Thankful. Be Wonderstruck.

Fall in Love with Yourself.
C.S. Lewis

Don't be so hard on yourself, give in
stop being your worst enemy.
You wouldn't let your mom or best friend
say awful things to you,
then why would you let yourself?
Think about it.

Try Gala Darling's Radical Self-Love Letters.

With Love,

Kristina Ann

<<Pictures retrieved from Pinterest. Find them here.>>

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A Quest for Bliss: You Are Beautiful - Let Your Soul Shine Through You

Sunday, February 9, 2014

You Are Beautiful - Let Your Soul Shine Through You

You are Beautiful.

Truly you are.

You are a living being with a radiant, glowing soul shinning through you.

Let it show!

Fall in love with the creature that you are.

Fall in love with your eyes, look deeply into them. What do you see?

Fall in love with your skin, no matter the color. Isn't it beautiful?

Fall in love with your hair. Isn't it strange?

Fall in love with your beating heart. Sit still, really try to feel it! Doesn't that just make you feel blissful.

Fall in love with your lungs. Take full breathes, inhale - expanding your lungs taking in as much oxygen as possible, exhale - contracting your lungs letting out as much carbon dioxide as you can.

Isn't is crazy how this simple task is what is keeping us alive.

Be Thankful. Be Wonderstruck.

Fall in Love with Yourself.
C.S. Lewis

Don't be so hard on yourself, give in
stop being your worst enemy.
You wouldn't let your mom or best friend
say awful things to you,
then why would you let yourself?
Think about it.

Try Gala Darling's Radical Self-Love Letters.

With Love,

Kristina Ann

<<Pictures retrieved from Pinterest. Find them here.>>

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At February 26, 2014 at 8:56 PM , Anonymous Heather Ann Kelly said...

This is easier said than done. As women, we often are hardest on our own selves than we are on others. Of course we wouldn't let our mom or best friend put themselves down, but we always see the flaws in our own selves. This is so natural for us to do and so very hard to overcome. I love the advice and wish I could easily look at myself and see beauty without all of the flaws.

At March 1, 2014 at 2:47 PM , Anonymous Kristina Krauss said...

Yes I believe this is a topic that everyone has many issues with. It is so easy to find flaws with ourselves. The key is to shine light on the things you like about yourself. Sometimes you really have to dig to figure them out. But when you can find them and really appreciate them, you help heal other areas by not putting all the bad energy into them.


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