I'd Rather Wear Flowers In My Hair Than Diamonds Around My Neck

Who feels the same?
pink quote picture
We all should strive to have this mentality. To live with nature rather than have things of form.
I believe "I'd Rather Wear Flowers In My Hair Than Diamonds Around My Neck" says that you do not associate your happiness with materialistic things. 

I believe if you would rather wear flowers than you are more down to earth. You do not cling onto the materialistic things. 

I just recently bought hot pink brooks running shoes (They are awesome). While playing an intense game of soccer/ultimate football I looked down at my shoes and they were covered in mud. They have a breathable cloth-like material so as you can guess the mud stained them. I accepted that they are dirty and I let go of my connection with them. It feels so liberating to not care. 


What do you think this saying means?

With Love,

Kristina Ann

Pictures retrieved from Pinterest.

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A Quest for Bliss: I'd Rather Wear Flowers In My Hair Than Diamonds Around My Neck

Saturday, February 1, 2014

I'd Rather Wear Flowers In My Hair Than Diamonds Around My Neck

Who feels the same?
pink quote picture
We all should strive to have this mentality. To live with nature rather than have things of form.
I believe "I'd Rather Wear Flowers In My Hair Than Diamonds Around My Neck" says that you do not associate your happiness with materialistic things. 

I believe if you would rather wear flowers than you are more down to earth. You do not cling onto the materialistic things. 

I just recently bought hot pink brooks running shoes (They are awesome). While playing an intense game of soccer/ultimate football I looked down at my shoes and they were covered in mud. They have a breathable cloth-like material so as you can guess the mud stained them. I accepted that they are dirty and I let go of my connection with them. It feels so liberating to not care. 


What do you think this saying means?

With Love,

Kristina Ann

Pictures retrieved from Pinterest.

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