This is Part II of the Let Things Go series. Here I will talk about how to choose to accept or change your current situation.
For getting over the past check out Let Things Go Part I.
Get Honest
What is bothering you? What is the cause of your pain (so to say) in your current state of living?
Are you sick of being overweight?
Are you tired of your shitty job?
Are you stuck in traffic when you are running late?
Now really accepting a situation should always be first. Whatever situation you are in, it has already happened. Your previous thoughts and actions got you into your current state.
Change or Keep Accepting
The next step is to choose if you can change it or not.
Being overweight you can change. Working for an awful boss you can change. Being stuck in traffic is a little different. You can obviously pull over and not be in it, but if you have to be somewhere there is not much you can do.
If it is something you can change why haven't you? Why would you keep suffering? Why would you keep beating yourself up over something? If there is a reason why you can't change it then you have to accept it. There is no other option.
"What You Resist Persists."
When you resist something it makes it worse, whatever it may be. When you are resisting you are saying to the universe please I don't want this thing. That is the same as saying you want it. You are sending that energy out.
Instead simply think about what you want. Think about a clear ride to work. Think about you looking fabulous in your bathing suit. Think about your work day going good.
Usually when you start to think about what you want things start to change for the better.
"Make your is-ness your business."
I heard this from Marie Forleo and I try to remember this on a daily basis.
It means do the best with what you got! Be fully involved in what is going on. Do not regret or wish something was different, because you can't go back in time. Make the best out of your current state.
With Love,
Kristina Ann
Labels: Calm Your Mind, self improvement