The Thankful Project - Day 3

via Chasing Happy

Hi everyone. Kenzie from Chasing Happy has started a project where she will give a subject and everyone says what they are grateful for pertaining to that subject. Today is day three to the 28 day series.

Today's subject is A PLACE

A place I am thankful for is the country side to my hometown house. I use to love driving down the back roads. There was something about the cornfields and farm houses that was relaxing. I could drive to clear my head, or figure out a situation I was in.


Whenever I think about it gives me a sense of peace and freedom. Just being able to drive in any direction until I felt like stopping. It gave me the feeling that I was in control of my life and I was free to roam where I pleased. I am thankful for this place and every other countryside that allows people to get away from the busy cities and adventure down the back roads.

Let me know a place you are thankful for. Post a link back to your page or post a comment stating a place you are thankful for and why. Link your comment also to Kenzie's page for more views.

This project helps you appreciate your life. It also helps you to realize that you have so much to be grateful for! 25 more Thankful Days before Thanksgiving.


A Quest for Bliss: The Thankful Project - Day 3

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Thankful Project - Day 3

Hi everyone. Kenzie from Chasing Happy has started a project where she will give a subject and everyone says what they are grateful for pertaining to that subject. Today is day three to the 28 day series.

Today's subject is A PLACE

A place I am thankful for is the country side to my hometown house. I use to love driving down the back roads. There was something about the cornfields and farm houses that was relaxing. I could drive to clear my head, or figure out a situation I was in.

Whenever I think about it gives me a sense of peace and freedom. Just being able to drive in any direction until I felt like stopping. It gave me the feeling that I was in control of my life and I was free to roam where I pleased. I am thankful for this place and every other countryside that allows people to get away from the busy cities and adventure down the back roads.

Let me know a place you are thankful for. Post a link back to your page or post a comment stating a place you are thankful for and why. Link your comment also to Kenzie's page for more views.

This project helps you appreciate your life. It also helps you to realize that you have so much to be grateful for! 25 more Thankful Days before Thanksgiving.



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