Your mission tomorrow is to LOVE as MUCH as POSSIBLE!!
When you love you leave no room for negativity. You are intensifying good vibes, sending them out into the world.
Peace Pilgrim
Born Mildred Lisette Norman (1908-1981)
Peace Activist
When you choose love, you win. Your ego loses. It no longer has control over you.
How to do you choose LOVE, you ask?
Ask yourself what do you love? Where ever you are now ask your self what you love. Be totally in the moment.
Are you inside? You may love that mellow feeling of just sitting still. You may love the artwork on your wall. You may love your bed, or your dog.
Are you outside? You may love the birds chirping. You may love that slight breeze hitting your cheek. You may love the green grass.
Do this is every situation you are in. When you are on your way to work in the morning. One of my favorite things in the morning is when I walk out my door and turn to lock it. I get a big whiff of fresh air. The stars are still out, and everyone is still sleeping. Yup, early.... I leave my house at 530am. This whiff of fresh air, though, is just what I need to start my day. I get this overwhelming sense that everything will be okay. It reminds me that this is a brand new day.
Do your best to stay away from complaining, gossiping, bitching, moping, etc. When someone else is doing it, if you cannot leave the conversation know that that is not you and just nod along. Do not give anything back to the conversation. Let it go in one ear and out the other.
Only concentrate on the things you love. Let every thing else brush by you. Don't get upset over any of it. Act as if a rude person bumped into you while walking by. Would it do you any good to get mad and say something to them? Nope It would just make things worse. Did they really hurt you? or You just said "ow" because you want to be the victim. The best reaction to to let them brush by you, them not having any affect on your happiness. Because really who are they to you? No body it would be stupid to hold on to it and be upset the rest of the day because of it. Then why do you do it when something bad (or not really that bad..ex. traffic, breaking a nail, etc) happens to you?
SOOO Your mission is to LOVE. If a stranger walking down the street seems upset and fluttered give love to them. Wish them better days, and loving situations. When your boss is being extra bitchy give them love. Hope they see the light, and find happiness in their stressful work. Hope they can take things a little less serious.
To intensify your love even more you could say all the things you love out loud; you could even write them all down.
I love to do this in the car while I am driving to work. Nobody is around to judge me. I can scream the things I love and really feel for them. A tear or two can slip and I don't have to worry.
My Love List would look something like this:
Fashion (Layering, Statement Pieces)
Flowery, Hippish Clothing!
Local Bands, Coffee Shops,
Laughter, Giggles,
Smiling Strangers,
The feeling you get with a stranger like you've known them your whole live,
or the feeling like you know exactly what each other is going through,
Books, *Old Books, Magazines, Libraries,
Old Buildings, Architecture, Museums,
Busy Cities (They excite me! There is so much potential)
Bikinis, Girly Drinks, BEERR,
Muddy Boots, Getting down and dirty,
WATERRR, Floating down rivers, tubing,
Partying on a Pontoon all NIGHT long,
Living like all you need is this moment,
Dancing in the middle of the dance floor,
Knowing that no drug can make me feel like dancing can,
Flirting ;)
Walking into a room and owning it,
Exerting myself physically, pushing myself to the limit,
Hiking, getting lost in the woods (where there are not bears),
Camping and drinking with friends all weekend!
Feeling at peace with myself,
Knowing that I am my best friend,
Being able to laugh at myself, with myself,
Writing, Journaling, Making lists,
Organizing anything, Categorizing,
Budgeting (I know some may think this is weird, but I LOVEE IT)
Feeling passionately about something that I am speaking about,
Really connecting with the opposite sex,
Feeling their heartbeat, Feeling so much love that your heart hurts,
Being totally in the moment (ex. noticing the lighting, you feel like it got brighter in the room)
I could go on forever....
Now What Do YOU Love? Give me a list of things you love, and see how it makes you feel! You will be amazed.
Labels: law of attraction, Love, self improvement