If you are unhappy with your body you need to make a change or accept it. Quit obsessing over your belly or your thunder thighs. Take action!
This is where I am. I get on tangents where I obsess over where I can loose weight. I am unhappy with my body.
"Accept what you can't Change, and Change what you can't Accept."
Has anyone been at this point? Where they are just fed up? It is kind of like when you stick up to a bully who has been calling you names, making you feel like shit for quite some time. You stop letting it get to you. You stop getting emotionally attached to it, and let it go. If you are over weight you know it. Why do you have to keep wasting your energy telling yourself? If you actually think about it, it sounds crazy. Why are you repeating the same shit over and over again?
Well it STOPS HERE. From now on I am changing my attitude about my body.
Everything I put into my body I will be grateful for. I will eat foods that make me feel good and healthy. I will exercise frequently. I will love my body every step of the way!
Let's see how I can change my body! Progress reports will happen. It will give me more of a motivation to stick to it! Hope you can relate to me and follow me on my journey!
Labels: before pictures, self image, Self-love