Work B**ch

Britney Spears' new song can help motivate us when we are thinking of giving up. We just need to make sure we are not being too pushy.

We have to have balance between Work and Play

There are times where working our ass off is very important. There are times where we have to stay strong, stay determined, stay obstinate.

Play isn't just for kids. We have to give ourselves time to do something we love. That could be reading, doing some yoga, painting, laying in the sun, watching a romantic film, playing with our pet, etc. When we are not working, we have to let our mind relax. Be calm. Don't worry. Know that the universe will guide you and motivate you when you are ready.

I do love Britney's song though. Some people think that they should have things handed to them. And now with books like The Secret (which I absolutely love), manifesting has become very popular. People forget for anything to happen you have to take some kind of action.
You don't have to push but you do have to get out there and mingle with the universe.

Manifesting in your house, hoping what you want will come into reality, but never leaving your house will get you nowhere. Do you think opportunity will just come knocking on your door (Maybe these days because you can do so much with the internet). You get what I'm saying.

Light some fire under your tush and go for what you want! Drop the fear of not making it and take chances! Life is a one time thing, make it a magnificent one!

With Love,

Kristina Ann

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A Quest for Bliss: Work B**ch

Monday, December 2, 2013

Work B**ch

Britney Spears' new song can help motivate us when we are thinking of giving up. We just need to make sure we are not being too pushy.

We have to have balance between Work and Play

There are times where working our ass off is very important. There are times where we have to stay strong, stay determined, stay obstinate.

Play isn't just for kids. We have to give ourselves time to do something we love. That could be reading, doing some yoga, painting, laying in the sun, watching a romantic film, playing with our pet, etc. When we are not working, we have to let our mind relax. Be calm. Don't worry. Know that the universe will guide you and motivate you when you are ready.

I do love Britney's song though. Some people think that they should have things handed to them. And now with books like The Secret (which I absolutely love), manifesting has become very popular. People forget for anything to happen you have to take some kind of action.
You don't have to push but you do have to get out there and mingle with the universe.

Manifesting in your house, hoping what you want will come into reality, but never leaving your house will get you nowhere. Do you think opportunity will just come knocking on your door (Maybe these days because you can do so much with the internet). You get what I'm saying.

Light some fire under your tush and go for what you want! Drop the fear of not making it and take chances! Life is a one time thing, make it a magnificent one!

With Love,

Kristina Ann

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At December 14, 2013 at 4:24 AM , Anonymous Kelly said...

I love your outlook on life!!! And I did like that song 'work bitch'!!! Haha


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