How to Achieve True Adventure in Your Life!

Are you craving change? Are you craving fun? 

When we get caught up in our day to day life it can seem so mundane. We may even blame this dullness on something outside ourselves. Perhaps you tell yourself life will be more exciting when I break up with my boyfriend. Maybe you tell yourself once I quit this job my life will feel on fire. You could be saying to yourself once I move to that big city I can live the life I want.

If you are currently not in these situations I congratulate you!!! You are living and not blaming other things for your unhappiness. But time to time we all get into this mindset.

I am suggesting to you ladies to start living now. Screw whatever life situation you are in, and make your life an adventure.

You can start creating adventures in your day to day life. This will rejuvenate your spirit and increase your joy.

Follow along I will give you some exciting ideas to make life that much better.

Adventure: an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity

What if we changed our perception and thought everything was unusual and exciting? What if we looked at things differently? What if we chose to see the beauty in all things? What if we used our imagination to come with new ways of doing things? 

This would change our lives! 

I hope this inspires you to start looking at life as an adventure. Wake up in the morning and thank God/ the universe/ the all encompassing source that you are alive. Your outside world is a reflection of what is inside. Decide to make it a fun and enjoyable journey. 

With Love,
Kristina Ann

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A Quest for Bliss: How to Achieve True Adventure in Your Life!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

How to Achieve True Adventure in Your Life!

Are you craving change? Are you craving fun? 

When we get caught up in our day to day life it can seem so mundane. We may even blame this dullness on something outside ourselves. Perhaps you tell yourself life will be more exciting when I break up with my boyfriend. Maybe you tell yourself once I quit this job my life will feel on fire. You could be saying to yourself once I move to that big city I can live the life I want.

If you are currently not in these situations I congratulate you!!! You are living and not blaming other things for your unhappiness. But time to time we all get into this mindset.

I am suggesting to you ladies to start living now. Screw whatever life situation you are in, and make your life an adventure.

You can start creating adventures in your day to day life. This will rejuvenate your spirit and increase your joy.

Follow along I will give you some exciting ideas to make life that much better.

  • On a warmer spring evening go for drive down a back road. Rolls your windows down so you can smell the earth's wonderfulness. Feel the breeze through the window. Smile at your freedom to go wherever the hell you wanted to.
  • Drive to a distant city just to sit in their coffee shop. Observe the people. Are they different then the ones in your town?
  • Do an act of kindness. Pay for the car behind you in the Starbucks line. Hold the door open for the group coming in behind you. Let the family go in front of you at the grocery store. This will get serotonin flowing in both the participating parties. Get ready to smile. 
  • Wake up a little earlier to drink a cup of coffee and read a magazine on your front porch.
  • Find and commit to an event on Meet Up!! 
  • Laugh out loud. Laugh at yourself. Make yourself laugh. Fake laugh until you are truly laughing at yourself. Some reason this just feels so good. 
  • Try a different cuisine type for a restaurant. It will be a brand new experience for you.
  • Take a strip pole class or an aerial fitness class. You may feel a little out of your comfort zone; this is good. These classes make you feel more flexible and feminine. Who knows maybe it will lead to awesome friends or a passion for fitness.
  • Take an art class at Jo Ann Fabrics or Michaels. Or follow along to a you tube video to make something amazing. Explore your creative side. 
  • Decide last minute that you are going to take a trip to a different city for the weekend. Pack light and go by yourself. Check in to a hotel, then go out and explore. 
  • Start up a conversation with somebody at the grocery store, coffee shop, or maybe in your neighborhood. You will feel even more connected.
  • Check off an item on your bucket list! Go sky diving, climb a mountain, go scuba diving. Darling you can do this in between your day job, boyfriend, or family time. 
  • Have a dance party with just yourself. Get your groove on. Isn't it crazy how you can have so much fun by yourself. 
  • Pack up your lunch, a book, and a large blanket and hit a local park. Enjoy yourself and the laughter of children.
  • Volunteer at your local library. Books are AWESOME.
  • Offer to take your friends dog for a walk. If you have a dog offer to walk the dogs together. Won't that be an adventure?
  • Decide to have a cheat day from trying to eat so damn healthy. Get that burger you have been craving!
  • Watch something on the Travel Channel.
  • If you received a free airline ticket and 1000 dollars where and what would you do? Plan it! Create a Pinterest board.
  • Buy a mason jar, tape a piece of paper on it saying "My Grand Adventure" and put $5 - $20 dollars in it every week. Then in 1-4 years you will have that $1000, and all you have to do is buy the plane ticket. Just think if you saved $20 a week you could go a vacation every year! Oh the power of saving.
  • Surprise your partner with hand made directions to a distant restaurant. Tell him to ask for Rose. Go to that restaurant and sign in as that name. It will be exciting for both of you. Maybe you can even dye your hair to really surprise him. Eek how exciting. 
  • Make a goal to meet someone new every week. 
  • Drive through your town and admire the buildings, really look at them. I bet you will see things you never truly saw before.
  • Go to the nearest flea market. Some interesting things and people to find there.
  • Lay under the stars. If you can see the open sky in your backyard grab a blanket and lay in the grass.  If it is too bright grab a blanket and take a drive. Lay on the hood of your car looking up at the stars. Do this on a weekday it will add more excitement. 
  • Get really into a craft or a vision board! :) Stay up an extra hour or two than you usually do on the weekdays. Doesn't it feel good to do something different?

Adventure: an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity

What if we changed our perception and thought everything was unusual and exciting? What if we looked at things differently? What if we chose to see the beauty in all things? What if we used our imagination to come with new ways of doing things? 

This would change our lives! 

I hope this inspires you to start looking at life as an adventure. Wake up in the morning and thank God/ the universe/ the all encompassing source that you are alive. Your outside world is a reflection of what is inside. Decide to make it a fun and enjoyable journey. 

With Love,
Kristina Ann

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At March 21, 2014 at 9:04 AM , Anonymous Alex │ Better with Family said...

I love this, Kristina! Getting out into the world and experiencing what the non-digital space has to offer is a true treasure these days, as bad as that might be to say. I recently wrote a piece about eight things to do when you unplug ( with a similar thinking you have here.

I think my favorite activity on your list is take a book or lunch to a park with a blanket. I used to LOVE doing this as a kid with my mom and sister. I recently moved to a neighborhood with a decent number of parks. Once the snow melts, I'm doing this!

Thanks again for the great ideas!

At March 22, 2014 at 9:35 PM , Anonymous Kristina Krauss said...

Your welcome for the ideas. I am so happy for you to get out and spend time for yourself at the park! I really like your list of things to do when you unplug! I like the go on a day trip to a new city. I recently just did this and it was so invigorating! Thank you for commenting!

Stay in touch,


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