A Quest for Bliss

A Quest for Bliss: February 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Keep On Keeping On Toward Persistent Growth

Keep busting through your ego. Keep working on yourself. Keep up on your goals.

"The key to get where you want to be is persistent growth."

Keep doing your meditations.
Keep reading self-help books.
Keep indulging on motivational, self-help guru's social feeds.
Keep doing your workout routine.
Keep making subtle shifts towards conscious living.
Keep creating habits to better your life.

If your dream is to be a great speaker, well-known author, or just a happily living yoga instructor just keep learning and growing; you will get there. If you judge someone, or get angry just keep recognizing it and let it go. If you slip and eat a whole pint of Ben & Jerry's forgive yourself and continue with your workout routine.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Make a choice to be persistent with your goals. Do not give up. You are so close.

I look back at who I was 5 years ago and I am amazed at what I have overcome and how much I have changed. I believe the key to change is small subtle shifts over time.

I then look 5 years into the future and imagine who I want to be. What will I be doing? Who will be my close friends? Will be spiritual connection be so deep nobody can break it? How much will I love myself and appreciate my body?

I have high hopes and dreams for the future. They can sometimes seem unreachable and scary, but then I think all I have to do is make little changes, and create some concrete habits.

Now questions to getting you thinking,
What are some small habits you can start doing today that would help you get where you want to be in life?
Is there an area of your life where you have made subtle shifts to change or overcome something?

With Love,

Kristina Ann

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Monday, February 17, 2014

How to Stop Procrastinating: 7 Easy Tips

I am talking about procrastination today because I have been stuck lately. I want everything to be perfect, and keep making excuses for why I haven't posted yet this week. Here are some steps that have helped me. Hope they motivate you to take action! 

How to stop procrastinating

How to Stop Procrastination

1. Nobodies Perfect 
      The most successful people are not perfect, they just stick at it and take action. Darlings do not let the fear of being perfect hold you back.  

2. Mistakes are a Given
     Everybody makes them. It's what you do after that matters. 

3. Quit Caring What Others Think
     "What You Think of Me Is None of My Business" this is a book title by Terry Cole-Whittaker. I love this because everybody has their own opinions about you. All your doing is wasting your precious energy trying to convince or change their minds. It sounds crazy when you think about it.
      Did you know that most people are worried what others think of them. So everybody has that same fear to get over. You know that you are growing as a spiritual being when you stop caring what other's think and do what makes you happy. 

4. Trust in Yourself
     Remember those times when you were stressing out about a deadline or when you had to do a speech, then you totally nailed it! You know yourself. You know what your passionate about. You know what you know. 

5. Lean in
     Lean into the direction you want to go. Do some research. Figure out what your first step would be.

6. Go With Your Gut Feeling
     How does it feel? You can listen to your inner guide by starting to go in a certain direction.

7. Let it Flow Out of You and Run With Your Big Idea. 
Let go. Trust that once you start going the universe/God/higher-self will have your back.


What are some things that help you get going when you feel stuck, or when you are being lazy?

With Love,

Kristina Ann

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

You Are Beautiful - Let Your Soul Shine Through You

You are Beautiful.

Truly you are.

You are a living being with a radiant, glowing soul shinning through you.

Let it show!

Fall in love with the creature that you are.

Fall in love with your eyes, look deeply into them. What do you see?

Fall in love with your skin, no matter the color. Isn't it beautiful?

Fall in love with your hair. Isn't it strange?

Fall in love with your beating heart. Sit still, really try to feel it! Doesn't that just make you feel blissful.

Fall in love with your lungs. Take full breathes, inhale - expanding your lungs taking in as much oxygen as possible, exhale - contracting your lungs letting out as much carbon dioxide as you can.

Isn't is crazy how this simple task is what is keeping us alive.

Be Thankful. Be Wonderstruck.

Fall in Love with Yourself.
C.S. Lewis

Don't be so hard on yourself, give in
stop being your worst enemy.
You wouldn't let your mom or best friend
say awful things to you,
then why would you let yourself?
Think about it.

Try Gala Darling's Radical Self-Love Letters.

With Love,

Kristina Ann

<<Pictures retrieved from Pinterest. Find them here.>>

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Saturday, February 1, 2014

I'd Rather Wear Flowers In My Hair Than Diamonds Around My Neck

Who feels the same?
pink quote picture
We all should strive to have this mentality. To live with nature rather than have things of form.
I believe "I'd Rather Wear Flowers In My Hair Than Diamonds Around My Neck" says that you do not associate your happiness with materialistic things. 

I believe if you would rather wear flowers than you are more down to earth. You do not cling onto the materialistic things. 

I just recently bought hot pink brooks running shoes (They are awesome). While playing an intense game of soccer/ultimate football I looked down at my shoes and they were covered in mud. They have a breathable cloth-like material so as you can guess the mud stained them. I accepted that they are dirty and I let go of my connection with them. It feels so liberating to not care. 


What do you think this saying means?

With Love,

Kristina Ann

Pictures retrieved from Pinterest.

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