A Quest for Bliss

A Quest for Bliss: December 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Your Thoughts Become Your Reality

You become what you think about most.

Are you thinking negative things? 

Are you just thinking about your current situation?

Your Thoughts Become Your Reality
Think about what is positive in your life and do not think about what is negative. Do you wonder why certain situations keep repeating themselves. Can you find areas of your life where you think and expect something bad to happen so it does. This is what I am talking about concentrating on the bad just brings more bad into your life. 

Do not obsess over what your current living situation is. Dream about all the possibilities. Think about where you want to be. Concentrate on your future and your brain will try to find ways to get you there. Write down your goals. Define where you want to go in life. 

When you are thinking positive thoughts you are vibrating at a high frequency and you will attract wonderful people, ideas, and situations to help you achieve your goals. 

Quote from Nelson Mandela

What are some of your dreams for the future? Share with me the possibilities of living an amazing life!

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Saturday, December 7, 2013

To Get What You Want In Life All You Need To Do Is Believe

"Don't let them tame you" Quote

Ask For What You Want
What do you want to be in life? What things do you want to accomplish? Where do you want to live? What kind of house do you want? What career do you want? What things to do want to do in your free time?

Sit somewhere quiet with your eyes closed. Think about all the areas of your life and how you would like them to look. Feel how you would feel if you had your dream job - if you had all the things you wanted - if you lived in the house you wanted. Get excited about it.

I will do this maybe once every other month or more. I like to look back at them and see if my wants are still the same. I like to expand my wants deeper with every session!

By doing this you are telling the universe-God-living energy what you want in life. You are asking for it.

Believe That It Could Happen
Believe that you can have what you want. Believe that you can accomplish your dreams, and that you can land your dream career. Believe that you have it in you!

Have Faith That It Is Coming
Have faith that the universe will bring you your soul mate, great friends, and wonderful experiences. Know that it is already coming. Know that the universe is conspiring to get you everything you want. Know that if bad things happen good things will come from them. Know that with every good positive thought you are attracting the things you want to you.

Shooting Stars. Shoot for the stars

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
-Napoleon Hill

Dare to have huge wild dreams for they shall come true if you believe,

Kristina Ann

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Monday, December 2, 2013

Work B**ch

Britney Spears' new song can help motivate us when we are thinking of giving up. We just need to make sure we are not being too pushy.

We have to have balance between Work and Play

There are times where working our ass off is very important. There are times where we have to stay strong, stay determined, stay obstinate.

Play isn't just for kids. We have to give ourselves time to do something we love. That could be reading, doing some yoga, painting, laying in the sun, watching a romantic film, playing with our pet, etc. When we are not working, we have to let our mind relax. Be calm. Don't worry. Know that the universe will guide you and motivate you when you are ready.

I do love Britney's song though. Some people think that they should have things handed to them. And now with books like The Secret (which I absolutely love), manifesting has become very popular. People forget for anything to happen you have to take some kind of action.
You don't have to push but you do have to get out there and mingle with the universe.

Manifesting in your house, hoping what you want will come into reality, but never leaving your house will get you nowhere. Do you think opportunity will just come knocking on your door (Maybe these days because you can do so much with the internet). You get what I'm saying.

Light some fire under your tush and go for what you want! Drop the fear of not making it and take chances! Life is a one time thing, make it a magnificent one!

With Love,

Kristina Ann

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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Less is More

<< Too much of anything is unhealthy for us, both materialistic things and things we put into our body. >>

only flowers sitting on table

Better the World

Have your every thought about what the world would be like if people stopped hoarding things? If people stopped trying to achieve so much of one thing?

It is like a disease. One of the biggest things in the world is the strive for money. Do not get me wrong wanting to have money and working towards a goal of having it is good. But when people get to a point where they have enough and are still striving for it. That is an illness. 

We are very inconsiderate about our resources. We leave our cars running, we leave lights on, we leave water running. How much we would be saving our planet if we just all tried to be more conscious of our actions, and tried to use less? 

Save Money

Being more considerate about our resources and the Earth helps you too! If you combine trips in town you save yourself money and help the planet! If you turn lights off when you leave a room you save money and help the planet! You could unplug appliances when you go on vacation (Not your fridge)! You could turn your hot water heater down, cut down on the days your sprinkler system is used, and turn the temperature set down on your thermostat in the winter (put another layer of clothing on).

Clear Your Mind

There is plenty of research that shows clutter can stress us out! GET RID OF IT!

When you have the mentality that less is more you get an overwhelming sense of relief. You do not have to strive to have so much. Happiness comes from within and not from outside things. So knowing that you do not need to have more to be happy can be welcoming.

Simplicity is Bliss

I ask for you to look at your life and see what areas you could cut back on. Pay attention to areas where you feel having more is better, and shake those old believes out of your head.

Know that your life is amazing right now at your current state. Know that the best things in life are priceless. You do not need more to be complete.

Less is More, Baby.

With Love,

Kristina Ann

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