A Quest for Bliss

A Quest for Bliss

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

How to Achieve True Adventure in Your Life!

Are you craving change? Are you craving fun? 

When we get caught up in our day to day life it can seem so mundane. We may even blame this dullness on something outside ourselves. Perhaps you tell yourself life will be more exciting when I break up with my boyfriend. Maybe you tell yourself once I quit this job my life will feel on fire. You could be saying to yourself once I move to that big city I can live the life I want.

If you are currently not in these situations I congratulate you!!! You are living and not blaming other things for your unhappiness. But time to time we all get into this mindset.

I am suggesting to you ladies to start living now. Screw whatever life situation you are in, and make your life an adventure.

You can start creating adventures in your day to day life. This will rejuvenate your spirit and increase your joy.

Follow along I will give you some exciting ideas to make life that much better.

  • On a warmer spring evening go for drive down a back road. Rolls your windows down so you can smell the earth's wonderfulness. Feel the breeze through the window. Smile at your freedom to go wherever the hell you wanted to.
  • Drive to a distant city just to sit in their coffee shop. Observe the people. Are they different then the ones in your town?
  • Do an act of kindness. Pay for the car behind you in the Starbucks line. Hold the door open for the group coming in behind you. Let the family go in front of you at the grocery store. This will get serotonin flowing in both the participating parties. Get ready to smile. 
  • Wake up a little earlier to drink a cup of coffee and read a magazine on your front porch.
  • Find and commit to an event on Meet Up!! 
  • Laugh out loud. Laugh at yourself. Make yourself laugh. Fake laugh until you are truly laughing at yourself. Some reason this just feels so good. 
  • Try a different cuisine type for a restaurant. It will be a brand new experience for you.
  • Take a strip pole class or an aerial fitness class. You may feel a little out of your comfort zone; this is good. These classes make you feel more flexible and feminine. Who knows maybe it will lead to awesome friends or a passion for fitness.
  • Take an art class at Jo Ann Fabrics or Michaels. Or follow along to a you tube video to make something amazing. Explore your creative side. 
  • Decide last minute that you are going to take a trip to a different city for the weekend. Pack light and go by yourself. Check in to a hotel, then go out and explore. 
  • Start up a conversation with somebody at the grocery store, coffee shop, or maybe in your neighborhood. You will feel even more connected.
  • Check off an item on your bucket list! Go sky diving, climb a mountain, go scuba diving. Darling you can do this in between your day job, boyfriend, or family time. 
  • Have a dance party with just yourself. Get your groove on. Isn't it crazy how you can have so much fun by yourself. 
  • Pack up your lunch, a book, and a large blanket and hit a local park. Enjoy yourself and the laughter of children.
  • Volunteer at your local library. Books are AWESOME.
  • Offer to take your friends dog for a walk. If you have a dog offer to walk the dogs together. Won't that be an adventure?
  • Decide to have a cheat day from trying to eat so damn healthy. Get that burger you have been craving!
  • Watch something on the Travel Channel.
  • If you received a free airline ticket and 1000 dollars where and what would you do? Plan it! Create a Pinterest board.
  • Buy a mason jar, tape a piece of paper on it saying "My Grand Adventure" and put $5 - $20 dollars in it every week. Then in 1-4 years you will have that $1000, and all you have to do is buy the plane ticket. Just think if you saved $20 a week you could go a vacation every year! Oh the power of saving.
  • Surprise your partner with hand made directions to a distant restaurant. Tell him to ask for Rose. Go to that restaurant and sign in as that name. It will be exciting for both of you. Maybe you can even dye your hair to really surprise him. Eek how exciting. 
  • Make a goal to meet someone new every week. 
  • Drive through your town and admire the buildings, really look at them. I bet you will see things you never truly saw before.
  • Go to the nearest flea market. Some interesting things and people to find there.
  • Lay under the stars. If you can see the open sky in your backyard grab a blanket and lay in the grass.  If it is too bright grab a blanket and take a drive. Lay on the hood of your car looking up at the stars. Do this on a weekday it will add more excitement. 
  • Get really into a craft or a vision board! :) Stay up an extra hour or two than you usually do on the weekdays. Doesn't it feel good to do something different?

Adventure: an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity

What if we changed our perception and thought everything was unusual and exciting? What if we looked at things differently? What if we chose to see the beauty in all things? What if we used our imagination to come with new ways of doing things? 

This would change our lives! 

I hope this inspires you to start looking at life as an adventure. Wake up in the morning and thank God/ the universe/ the all encompassing source that you are alive. Your outside world is a reflection of what is inside. Decide to make it a fun and enjoyable journey. 

With Love,
Kristina Ann

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

5 Steps to Stay Tuned to Your Inner Guide

Have you ever had a thought pop into your head then minutes later it happened or someone told you exactly what you just thought?
Have you ever seen certain numbers show up over and over again?
Have you every got a feeling then acted and glad you did?

You could be more in-tuned than you thought.

Intuition: the act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition.
      <<Retrieved from The Free Dictionary>>

Let's dig a little deeper. So intuition is knowing without having to put thought into it. Where is this knowledge coming from? Could it be your spirit? Your soul? This all knowing being? 

Lately, I have been getting signs. Yay, my practices have been working. I feel more relaxed and confident that my higher self will know what decisions to make when they need to be made. 

Steps to Let Go and Connect With Your Higher Self

1. Become Aware of What's Inside
       Pay attention to whats going on in your body. Feel your heart. Become aware of your feelings. Dig into them. If at the moment you are anxious, how does this feel? Really concentrate on this feeling until it diminishes. 

2. Invite The Light In
       Find a place where you can close your eyes for a minute. Imagine there is a beautiful shinning light coming toward you. Welcome it; this is your higher self. As it is getting closer, imagine the light slowly merging into you. Imagine it flowing into your heart, into your blood system, into your DNA.

3. Grow And Extend Your Energy
       Imagine you have a loving, beautiful cocoon of energy around you. It should make you feel instantly happy. Try to push your energy outward. Okay now bring it back in to a comfortable strength.

4. Co-Exist With Your Higher Self
       Keep that loving light in you, sit up straight, and take large breathes in and out. How wonderful does it feel? Now go on and keep feeling the light. Imagine your wonderful energy reaching out toward other people. You could even send wonderful, loving light to other's. 

5.  Live in the Moment
       To get signs from your inner guide, angels, God, or whatever feels good to you, you have to be in the now. If you are off in la-la-land you will not get them. There could be an answer for your question but you are too preoccupied in your mind chatter.

With Love,

Kristina Ann

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Keep On Keeping On Toward Persistent Growth

Keep busting through your ego. Keep working on yourself. Keep up on your goals.

"The key to get where you want to be is persistent growth."

Keep doing your meditations.
Keep reading self-help books.
Keep indulging on motivational, self-help guru's social feeds.
Keep doing your workout routine.
Keep making subtle shifts towards conscious living.
Keep creating habits to better your life.

If your dream is to be a great speaker, well-known author, or just a happily living yoga instructor just keep learning and growing; you will get there. If you judge someone, or get angry just keep recognizing it and let it go. If you slip and eat a whole pint of Ben & Jerry's forgive yourself and continue with your workout routine.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Make a choice to be persistent with your goals. Do not give up. You are so close.

I look back at who I was 5 years ago and I am amazed at what I have overcome and how much I have changed. I believe the key to change is small subtle shifts over time.

I then look 5 years into the future and imagine who I want to be. What will I be doing? Who will be my close friends? Will be spiritual connection be so deep nobody can break it? How much will I love myself and appreciate my body?

I have high hopes and dreams for the future. They can sometimes seem unreachable and scary, but then I think all I have to do is make little changes, and create some concrete habits.

Now questions to getting you thinking,
What are some small habits you can start doing today that would help you get where you want to be in life?
Is there an area of your life where you have made subtle shifts to change or overcome something?

With Love,

Kristina Ann

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Monday, February 17, 2014

How to Stop Procrastinating: 7 Easy Tips

I am talking about procrastination today because I have been stuck lately. I want everything to be perfect, and keep making excuses for why I haven't posted yet this week. Here are some steps that have helped me. Hope they motivate you to take action! 

How to stop procrastinating

How to Stop Procrastination

1. Nobodies Perfect 
      The most successful people are not perfect, they just stick at it and take action. Darlings do not let the fear of being perfect hold you back.  

2. Mistakes are a Given
     Everybody makes them. It's what you do after that matters. 

3. Quit Caring What Others Think
     "What You Think of Me Is None of My Business" this is a book title by Terry Cole-Whittaker. I love this because everybody has their own opinions about you. All your doing is wasting your precious energy trying to convince or change their minds. It sounds crazy when you think about it.
      Did you know that most people are worried what others think of them. So everybody has that same fear to get over. You know that you are growing as a spiritual being when you stop caring what other's think and do what makes you happy. 

4. Trust in Yourself
     Remember those times when you were stressing out about a deadline or when you had to do a speech, then you totally nailed it! You know yourself. You know what your passionate about. You know what you know. 

5. Lean in
     Lean into the direction you want to go. Do some research. Figure out what your first step would be.

6. Go With Your Gut Feeling
     How does it feel? You can listen to your inner guide by starting to go in a certain direction.

7. Let it Flow Out of You and Run With Your Big Idea. 
Let go. Trust that once you start going the universe/God/higher-self will have your back.


What are some things that help you get going when you feel stuck, or when you are being lazy?

With Love,

Kristina Ann

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